Terms & Conditions
GENZ ACADEMIES programme & payments?
- You pay for 36 weeks, we deliver 41 weeks of coaching. The payment is spread across 12 months. This provides a 5 week buffer for illness, holidays and seriously bad weather.
- Our approach is simple; we deliver our coaching during term time, plus the first two weeks during August. In addition
Wet weather:
We play in all weathers, unless the court is unplayable. If your session is cancelled you will be notified in your WhatsApp community.
- Cancellations can be taken at any point by emailing antgenztennis@gmail.com before the 20th to allow sufficient time to remove your subscription.
- We do not accept any cancellations during July and August. We have accounted for this holiday period in our pricing by spreading the cost across 12 months.
- We don’t issue refunds for missed sessions. This is accounted for in our monthly subscription fee
- GENZ reserves the right to remove from our programme, without refund, anyone who is found to be bullying, misbehaving or displaying disruptive behaviour.
- You must declare all medical conditions during registration and keep us up-to-date should this change by emailing antgenztennis@gmail.com